Friday 8 November 2013

Black Vinegar Pork Knuckles by Yvonne Ng

1 whole Pork Leg - chopped (pls ask the butcher to heat skin with fire , this will help the skin to be QQ)
1 - 1.5 bottle local sweeten vinegar (I use glass bottle with red cap, forgot the brand)
3 pieces of whole Ginger deskinned slightly knock with a pestle (use "old' ginger if you prefer more spicy hint)
Sesame Oil (personally prefer Ghee Hiang brand - red cap)

1. Pour in sesame oil till the base of pot is covered
2. Saute the ginger till aroma
3. Add in chopped pork leg and saute till half cook
4. Pour in the sweeten vinegar till fully cover the pork leg (may put more if you want more sauce)
5. Bring to boil
6. Switch to low medium fire and leave it to boil for around 1 hour or until the pork leg is tender
7. Ready to serve

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