Friday 8 November 2013

Cheese Bread by Anastasia Alexie

Adapted from Annabel Karmel's recipe

225g plain flour or bread flour
a pinch of salt
1/2 tablespoon fast action bread yeast
1/2 tsp caster sugar
1 tsp dried mustard powder
1 tsp vegetable oil
150 ml water
50g Red Leicestershire cheese, grated (may replace with Cheddar cheese)
25g mature Cheddar cheese, grated
1 spring onion, finely chopped

To decorate:
1 egg, beaten

1. Sift the flour, mustard and salt into a bowl.
2. Place the yeast in a mixing bowl, pour over the warm water, stir in the sugar and mix with a fork. Allow to stand until the yeast has dissolved and starts to foam (about 10 minutes).
3. Stir in the oil and gradually mix in the flour mixture. If the dough is sticky, add a little extra flour. Transfer to a floured work surface and knead gently for about 5 minutes to make a smooth, pliable dough.
4. Gradually knead the grated cheese and spring onion into the dough to give it a streaky effect.
5. Shape the dough into rolls and put them on to a greased baking tray. Cover loosely with a tea towel and then put them in a warm place to rise for about 1 hour or until doubled in size.
6. Preheat oven to 200C.
7. Brush the rolls with beaten egg. Bake in an oven for 15-20 mins or until golden. They are done if they sound hollow when tapped underneath. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

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