Friday 8 November 2013

Plain Milk Buns / Kopitiam Milk Buns 甜牛奶面包 by Jaimy Chan

(Recipe source: adapted from Crystal, with minor changes)
 * I make 8 buns

Overnight sponge dough
 215g high protein flour
 125g milk (cold)
 2g instant yeast (1/2tsp)

1. Add all ingredients in a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients to a rough dough by hands, the dough is dry and rough and don't need to knead till pass window pane. Cover tightly with cling film and immediately store in the fridge for overnight (at least 12hours).

To prepare milk buns
 1 quantity of above overnight sponge dough
 90g high protein flour
 30g egg (1/2 large egg) *
 4g instant yeast (1tsp)
 3g fine salt (1/2tsp)
 60g sugar
 45g butter (room temperature)
 1tbsp milk (cold)
* i substitute egg with 20ml milk (cold) and 1 teaspoon of lecithin powder 

1.Tear the overnight sponge dough into pieces and add all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl, knead till smooth dough.
2. Add in the butter and knead until dough is smooth and elastic. Cover with cling film and set aside to proof till double in size.
3. Punch down the dough to expel air, equal divide the dough to 8 portions, shape into round balls. Place dough in a square pan. Let it proof for another 30-45 mins. Brush cold milk on top of the buns, you can also put shredded cheese on top or just bake it plain.
4. Bake at pre-heated oven at 170C for 20mins.

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