Friday 8 November 2013

Prawn Olio Spaghetti with Mushroom by Shanti Ayyasamy

160-180g spaghetti (2 servings)
3 tbs olive oil
10-12 large prawns
10 cloves garlic (chopped fine)
1/2 tbs dried chili flakes
parsley (chopped fine)
salt and pepper

1. Boil water with salt~cook the spaghetti (I add butter to make it oily a bit). Set aside.
2. Remove shells and veins from prawn~use the heads and shells to make prawn stock (add 1 cup of water into a pot, add the shells and heads-leave it to simmer)~strain and set aside the stock.
3. In a pot, heat up butter, add in prawns, cook till it browns and set aside.
4. then do the same to mushroom (this is an add on~actual recipe doesn't have mushroom)-set aside.
5. add olive oil into the same pot, add garlic and chili flakes, stir and turn off the fire, the garlic will continue to cook, add the cooked spaghetti, prawns, mushrooms and parsley and add butter and 2 tbs of prawn stock (can add more for better taste). Mix them well and season with salt and pepper.

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