Thursday 7 November 2013

Pumpkin Mantou by Lim Soo Sean

300g unbleached flour (normal flour also can)
70g steamed & mashed pumpkin puree
1tsp active dried yeast dissolved in 70ml luke warm water 
1tbsp brown sugar
1tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1. Mix all ingredients, knead until a non sticky dough is formed. Add more flour if too sticky. 
2. Cover and leave aside until almost double in size (around 2 hours depending on humidity). 
3. Roll out to thin rectangular piece. Roll like swiss roll. Cut into desired size. 
4. Put on parchment paper and leave for 20 mins. 
5. Steam with medium heat for 15 mins. 
6. Turn off heat, keep lid close for another 3 mins. 

1. Can easily substitute pumpkin with other ingredients like purple sweet potato etc.
2. Mantou can be freezed up to a week

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