Saturday 11 January 2014

Pumpkin Mantou by Wang Xing Hui

糖 Sugar 。。。。。 60 克 g
金瓜泥 Pumpkin puree 。。。。。 90 克 g
速发酵母 Instant Yeast 。。。。。 1 茶匙 tsp
包粉 Pau flour 。。。。。 150 克 g
双倍发粉 Double action baking powder 。。。。。 1 茶匙 1 tsp
奶油 Butter 。。。。。 10 克 g

做法 Method:

1. 将糖,金瓜泥和速发酵母混合均匀,放置一旁待用。
Mix the sugar, pumpkin puree and the yeast together, set aside.

2. 将包粉和发粉混合均匀,加入奶油揉匀。
Mix the pau flour and the baking powder, add in butter and mix into crumb.

3. 把做法 ( 1 )倒入 做法 ( 2 )里,混合均匀,揉成面团。
Pour No. 1 into No. 2, mix together, knead until it form a dough.

4. 把面团揉至光滑及不黏手即可。再把面团放入缸盆内发酵至两倍大。
Knead the dough until it is not sticky to hand. Put the dough into a mixing bowl and cover, let it proof to double in size.

5. 将面团排气,轻柔约 2 分钟。把面团分割成喜欢的大小。(我做了 8 个)
Punch out the air, knead for 2 min. Divide the dough into small portion. ( 1 made into 8 pcs)

6. 滚圆,让面团再次发酵 45 分钟。
Roll the dough, let it proof for another 45 min.

7. 把蒸锅水煮滚,大火蒸约 12 分钟即可。
Ready the steaming water, steam under high heat for about 12 min.

For the pumpkin shape :

Each round mantou, I use a jam spread knife to shape on the mantou.

For the leaves :

I take out some dough and put the pandan paste to make it green color.
Then flatten the dough, I use a small knife to shape into Rhombus shape and place them on top of the mantou.

For the stick :

I use pandan leave to decorate.

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