Thursday 7 November 2013

Eggless Pumpkin Kaya by Janice Goh

500g Pumpkin, steamed and mashed
200ml Milk (Full cream milk or Fresh milk)
100ml VCO
120g Brown sugar (I substitute with 100g apple sauce) *Original 180g (Note 1)
3tbsp Custard powder
6pcs Pandan leaves

1. In a big bowl, add in mashed pumpkin, milk, VCO, brown sugar and custard powder. Stir and mix well.
2. Strain the mixture using a sieve into the pot.
3. Cook the mixture and pandan leaves with low heat. Cook and stir constantly until the mixture has thickened and set. (about 15-20 minutes)
4. Remove the pandan leaves and allow the mixture to cool. Keep in sterilized glass jars and store in fridge.

1. Apple sauce - Steam apples and blend.
2. Kaya can keep refrigerated for up to a month.

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